Under the COSHH regulations, employers must assess the risks to health from using or generating hazardous substances including Covid-19. Additionally, they must also prove that the controls work to reduce personal exposures to acceptable levels. Our Occupational Hygienists can carry our personal monitoring to evaluate the level of exposure of workers to hazardous airborne materials in the workplace.
Our Occupational Hygienists provide thorough examination and testing of LEV as required by the COSHH Regulations. This maximises the effectiveness of the LEV in order to prevent employees from developing irreversible lung disease from inhalation of harmful airborne contaminants.
Noise exposure may cause a temporary change in hearing or a temporary ringing in the ears. These short-term problems usually go away within a few minutes or hours after leaving the noisy environment. However, repeated exposures to loud noise on a day to day basis can lead to permanent, incurable hearing loss, tinnitus or other health issues. Under The Control of Noise at Work Regulations any employer who undertakes work liable to expose any employees to noise at 80dB(A) or above a lower exposure action value, must make a suitable and sufficient assessment of the risk that noise poses to the health and safety of their employees.
As part of our service our occupational hygienist can visit site, undertake a workplace occupational noise monitoring survey and identify the measures needed in order to meet the requirements of the law by either eliminating or mitigating the exposure.
Every year, thousands of workers are made ill by exposure to vibrating tools and equipment (vibration white finger). Employers are responsible for taking effective measures to control exposure of employees and protect their health.
Not only is it a necessity to the health and wellbeing of employees, but these measures can also improve production and maximise the lifetime of tools and equipment.
We offer the complete service in HAV’s analysis which helps you to effectively monitor and control vibration exposure of your employees. Our Occupational Hygienists will perform on site measurement of your vibration levels. We are proactive in helping you to implement control measures to reduce vibration exposure, including recording exposure times and categorising tools into vibration banding groups.
We‘d love to discuss your requirement further so please do get in touch by emailing info@rdcsafetylimited.co.uk or
calling 07971 202356. Alternatively, you can reach us by filling in our contact form.