This course is designed for people who hold a valid First Aid at Work certificate wishing to receive annual refresher training.
On successful completion of the course, the delegate will receive a certificate of attendance.
We recommend that this course is renewed every 12 months.
3 hours
Introduction – An overview of the course and discussion of attendees’ current level of knowledge.
Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) – An overview of the key Health and Safety Regulations to which companies in the UK need to comply, together with the employer’s and employee’s legal responsibilities.
First-aid Kit – What are the required contents of a first-aid kit and how to avoid cross infection.
Recording – How to report and record incidents and accidents and the importance of maintaining records in the workplace.
Assessing – How to assess the situation and circumstances in order to act safely, promptly and effectively in an emergency.
Administer – How to administer first aid to a casualty who is unconscious, including someone who is suffering with a seizure
Requires cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
Is wounded or bleeding
Is in shock
Assessment – There is an ongoing practical assessment by the trainer. There is no written test.
Questions and Answers – Time for attendees to clarify and query any of the points raised in the course.
RDC Safety Limited have a strong team of specialist trainers who develop and deliver bespoke courses tailored to suit your business’s individual requirements. From personal consulting, to providing training courses, and bespoke policies and procedures, RDC Safety Limited invests the time to understand your business.
We‘d love to discuss your requirement further so please do get in touch by emailing or
calling 07971 202356. Alternatively, you can reach us by filling in our contact form.